Steampipe reaktor
Steampipe reaktor

steampipe reaktor

Art F City issued another angry ukase, declaring before the show even opened that the work was self-hating and "not truly feminist." When Ripps announced that she would be showing paintings at Manhattan's Postmasters gallery, denunciations were swift that she had sold out. Completely misunderstanding the nature of the project, a writer for the Art F City website asked if it was "the most offensive work of 2014." Many mainstream publications parroted this diatribe, leading to a mass dumbing-down of a subversive feminist idea.

steampipe reaktor

Rather than exploiting them by having them pose provocatively, she asked them to make drawings. She used her materials stipend to hire masseuses from Craigslist, one male and one female. Her project "Art Whore" was a classic Guerrilla Girls stratagem, a prank where she embarrassed a hip Manhattan hotel that had hired her to be an unpaid one-night artist in residence. Ripps' critics characterized her work as "self-hating" since the word misogynist didn't pass the laugh test. Despite a separatist bent that had not been seen since Andrea Dworkin, Ripps' frequent targets were "cis-identified" females, that is to say, sexy babes that seemed more interested in catering to the male gaze than transcending gender boundaries. Winona Ripps blazed a trail in the feminist net art community (and drew some scorn) for her exhibitions and performances where only women were invited.

Steampipe reaktor